Project Kaokoland (escuela de Primaria “Omuhonga”)
.-Schoolmaterial: exercise-books A 4, only with lines
Pens, pencils, rubber, rooler, protractor, sharper, pencilbags, coloured pencils, feltpens.
Also schoolbags for all that material.
.-Clothes for children from 3 years ( we give it to 2 kindergarden) till 18 years for our learner/children, for sommer and winter.
.-Blancets and sleepingbags.
.-Also shoes, that is very, very important.
.-Hygienic products for bodycare, like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoon, bodylotion.
Footballs. Because of the thorns on the bushes and trees they have a short half-life.
.-Sportsweare like shirts/trowser and underweare, socks.
What the children DON´T NEED is PLASTIC of any kind, because after some days or hours you can find it broken at the road.
Please contact first.
Vereinsgründung 1996, Kunene
La Escuela de Primaria “Omuhonga” en la zona de Kaokoveld, al noroeste de Namibia. Una región árida, desértica, abrasada por el sol, alejada del mundo y tal vez un poco olvidada por éste, sin apenas caminos de tierra y sin luz ni agua corriente. Jirafas, impalas, gacelas, hienas, leones y leopardos o elefantes del desierto son sus habitantes naturales. Un lugar, por tanto, increíblemente atractivo para el viajero